Monday, January 05, 2009

Polling on open NY Senate seat: Cuomo 2:1+ over Kennedy.

Democrat Princess Caroline Kennedy's only saving political grace is she is a recognized scion of Saint John Kennedy, philanderer extraordinaire and assassinated 35th President of The United States. (That, of course, is as opposed to Kennedy's UNrecognized children, of which there seems to be at least a few.)

I've already mentioned how idiotic the idea of appointing Princess Caroline to the NY senate seat is; here: and here: and now, the people of New York State appear to have spoken vis the good old fashioned poll... and it ain't looking good for this child of pampered history.

Read it and weep. Ms. Kennedy. The question is this: is democrat New York Governor Patterson not only blind to his own adultery, but politically tone deaf as well?

Now, I'm not a huge Andrew Cuomo supporter, either, but when it comes to the most important aspect of qualifications, it should be Cuomo, hands down.

Cuomo has done some good things as New York's elected Attorney General, and his stint in that position would arguably qualify him for the job in the Senate, unlike Ms. Kennedy, who only has a genetic qualification to rely on.

And this poll would seem to indicate that the people of New York seem to get that. And, at least he'd be able to SPELL, "Senate," ... "you know?"

Articles and Analysis

Kennedy Popularity Sees Rapid Decline

January 5, 2009
NY: Kennedy as Sen (PPP-1/3-4)
By Eric Dienstfrey

Public Policy Polling (D)1/3-4/09; 700 registered voters, 3.7% margin of error
Mode: IVR
New York State

If the choices were Andrew Cuomo and Caroline Kennedy, who would you prefer Governor Paterson appoint to replace Hillary Clinton in the US Senate?

58% Cuomo
27% Kennedy

How has your opinion of Caroline Kennedy changed since she started publicly campaigning for appointment to Hillary Clinton's Senate seat?

23% More Favorable
44% Less Favorable


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