Wednesday, January 14, 2009

An open letter to the President-Elect.

Dear Mr. President-Elect,

Let me say at the outset that I did not support you. In the interest of honesty, I feel that you are no more qualified to be president than you are to perform brain surgery. I believe you’ve sold this Nation a bill of goods; that you’ve lied repeatedly about your budget plans, tax cut plans and a wide variety of other impossible promises you’ve made (Job creation tax credits immediately comes to mind) and are making (4 million jobs that YOU will create? Please.); promises that a desperate and frightened population chose to believe… to their, and our, peril.

You’ve made bad decisions on cabinet members; bad decisions for our security; terrible decisions by burying us deeper in debt for yet more nonsensical, unsupervised distribution of huge amounts of our money to who knows who and who knows for what.

Mr. President-Elect, our children’s children’s children’s children won’t have this close to paid off, because as I write this, you will need to come back to the well over and over and over again, making Madoff look like a fender-bender in comparison. You told us over and over that Mr. Bush’s handling of the economy and the massive deficits he’s left us with are the most irresponsible in our history.

Yet what YOU would propose for our deficits are beyond comprehension in comparison. So, I ask you, Mr. President: If Mr. Bush’s deficits were the most irresponsible in our history…. What does that make yours? Or is that different, somehow?

I see our future with your hand on the tiller of the Ship of State, and I believe it to be bleak. In 2010, I sincerely and honestly hope we can begin the process of righting this wrong, much like we accomplished in 1994. You frighten me. The utterly clueless leadership of Congress from both sides of the aisle frightens me. You want to take, take, take and then give, give, give to continue to bribe the voters with bread and circuses so they’ll keep you in power. And I doubt any good can come from that.

For God’s sake, think BEFORE you act. There can be no question that you are bright man; no idiot could be elected to the presidency (Jimmy Carter notwithstanding.) Please recognize that you frequently will be in over your head; and get the help you’ll need from proven, experienced leadership that will keep our country afloat until you’re indicted and you can be replaced by someone who at least understands that in the International Community, it is far better to be feared than liked.

We have no do-overs, Mr. President. Your charge is to first, do no harm. I fear that you are by no means up to the task. I can, once again, only hope to God that I’m wrong.

But I don’t believe so.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Well done. I concur with your conclusion, and I also hope I am wrong.


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