Tuesday, January 13, 2009

More of the Columbian's leftist bent: (local) Peace activists decry Israelis’ offensive

So, a tiny group of fringe-left whackers "gathered" to whine about the terrorists they care so much for getting hammered by The Israelis.

I have to wonder: why is this worthy of even a mention in this newspaper?

Why didn't Lou or somebody think, "HHhhmmmmmm.... these people didn't have anything to say while Hamas was firing thousands of rockets into Israeli civilian targets BEFORE the incursion... why should we care what they have to say now?"

We shouldn't.

Oh, I don't oppose their right to be hypocrites... these particular folks do that so often and so well. But this paper's efforts to aid and abet them by giving them any coverage is symptomatic of the greater Columbian lack of awareness... a result of their leftist bent.

One of these morons holds up a picture of a "dead Palestinian child." Well, what about the pictures of the "dead Israeli children?"

One of these clowns even admit that Hamas asked for it. "'Gaza has been lobbing some rockets and that’s not right,' said Genny Kortes..."

Where were your protests THEN?

There weren't any. Because as an avowed fringe leftist, you simply don't give a damn about Israelis. To have a protester acknowledge that Hamas caused this and then to protest Israel's response is beyond moronic. It's as asinine as being upset that because a robber pulls a .22 on me, I proceed to blow his head off with my .45. I'm opposed to this "proportional response" crap... because it's just that: crap. I'm a huge fan of DISproportional response as an incentive to stop these attacks in the first place.

No one force these asshats to fire missiles into Israel. And if you're gonna go to the dance, you should expect to buy a ticket.

There is no way this would be happening if Hamas had not been firing rockets into Israel. None. And that levels any moral high ground these clowns claim.

She goes on: “But the borders have been closed and they’re trapped. If they would at least open the borders, the civilians could escape."

Since Israel put the wall up, suicide murders have dropped to practically nothing. And apparently, these people are completely ignorant of the fact that a large area of the Gaza border is with Egypt. Is there some reason that Egypt won't open THEIR border?

Someone else whines: "Who is standing for international law?" So, under "international law," it was OK for Hamas to fire rockets at civilians, but it's not OK for Israel to respond however it sees fit as a result?

It simply boggles the mind that these people hate Jews so much that they're so concerned about the deaths of Palestinians but are so totally unconcerned about the deaths of Israelis.

If Hamas hadn't started this, than Israel wouldn't have had to finish it. And limp-wristed, bogus protests won't change that.

Peace activists decry Israelis’ offensive
Monday, January 12 8:47 p.m.


Peace activists and protesters gather outside the Marshall House Monday afternoon to call attention to violence between Israel and the Palestinians. Their efforts were directed toward the office of Sen. Maria Cantwell, which was unoccupied. (Troy Wayrynen/The Columbian)

One woman carried a poster displaying a color photo of a dead Palestinian child. Another, dressed all in black, cradled a doll wrapped in what appeared to be a bloody sheet. A man raised the Palestinian flag in a lonely vigil.

“Your U.S. tax dollars help pay for the Israeli cleansing of Palestinians,” said Linda Nielsen’s poster, which portrayed the dead little girl.

“Those little children in Palestine have no friends,” Den Mark Wichar said.

Ten somber people gathered Monday afternoon outside the Marshall House on Officers Row. They were intent on demonstrating their dismay over Israel’s siege of Gaza, now in its 17th day, by marching into the local office of Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash.

But Cantwell’s office was dark and locked. So in the foyer of the stately mansion, they read their letters and resolutions to each other.

Some said they were frustrated that so few elected U.S. officials were willing to criticize Israel.

Some conceded that Hamas, the ruling party in Gaza, must share the blame.

“Gaza has been lobbing some rockets and that’s not right,” said Genny Kortes, one of the demonstration’s organizers. “But the borders have been closed and they’re trapped. If they would at least open the borders, the civilians could escape.”


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