Saturday, January 10, 2009

Israel must destroy Hamas: Hamas chief says no chance of deal with Israel

Terrorism is an outmoded form of protest. It has yet to succeed to any long-term outcome.

Most terrorist outfits are run by reasonably smart guys. Twisted, but smart. Many are well-educated. In their inner heart of hearts, many of them know they're doomed, and that their movements only remain afloat on a sea of blood.

In this instance, the terrorist de jour is one Khaled Mashaal, whom it is alleged holds a BS in Physics from Kuwait U. Takes some academic stones to get a degree in Physics. I doubt that *I* could do it (My degree is in Government, and my Masters work towards an MBA.) but along the way, most schools require at least a dalliance at some level in history.

Historically, there has never been a terrorist movement that has successfully achieved it's aims.

This current iteration will be no different. Mashaal and other terrorists know this. But they also know they waste away to complete insignificance if they fold up there tents and go away... thus their dogged determination to fight to an ignoble end.

Like Hamas.

When a terrorist leader that doesn't live in the area in question (and that is Mashaal) tells others how to live, what he's REALLY saying is that he wants what he wants, no matter HOW many of you have to die to get it. It's much like the hierarchy of the Cowlitz Tribe attempting to jam a mega-casino down our throats here in Clark County; they will reap ALL of the benefit and suffer NONE of the negative consequences of their acts... since they don't live here. It's as easy for Mashaal to tell others to go out and sacrifice themselves for HIS cause as it is for Barnett, Harju and VanMechelen to tell us that since the rape of the megacasino is inevitable, we should relax and enjoy it.

In this instance, this walking target yammers: "No deal with Israel."

Of course, it's damned easy to say that when you live in Damascus, and Israeli planes aren't engaging in urban renewal in YOUR neighborhood. It's that kind of "courage" (using the term loosely) that demands YOUR blood for HIS cause that's at the root of the problem.

Charles Krauthammer sums it up with his typically insightful treatise: "Crushing Hamas is the answer: There's no other way to resolve this conflict" nails it by making a persuasive case to implement that strategy.

It will be a difficult task. But for Israel, you have to arrive at a point where enough is enough, and no amount of talk will fix the situation. You must send a message. And you must send it over and over and over again, until it's heard.

And the message for today? Destroy Hamas. Wherever and whenever you find them.

No other message will be heard. No other message will matter. And failure this time must not be an option.

Hamas chief says no chance of deal with Israel
A top Hamas leader says the Gaza war has killed the last chance for settlement and negotiations with Israel.

Associated Press Writers

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — A top Hamas leader says the Gaza war has killed the last chance for settlement and negotiations with Israel.

Damascus-based Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal condemned Israel's attack on the Gaza Strip as a "holocaust" in a fiery speech broadcast on the Arabic news channel Al-Jazeera

Mashaal's comments Saturday come as Hamas teams are in Cairo to negotiate over an Egyptian-proposed cease-fire to end Israeli attacks on the militant organization that rules Gaza.

Mashaal also called for an end to Israeli attacks, the removal of its forces from Gaza, and a lifting of the Gaza blockade.


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