Wednesday, December 17, 2008

When will Obama toss Rahm Emanuel under a bus?

Look, we all remember the campaign... Obama's nonsensical handling of the Reverend Wright issue, tossing the good Rev, his own racist grandmother, and the "black community" under several buses. In short, Obama has no trouble sacrificing others in the name of political expediency; a curious yet undeniably successful tool he uses quite well to deflect attention from himself and on to others.

Well, the President-Elect hasn't even taken office, and we've seen the pattern of lies form from the beginning. In everything from his mysterious and bizarre responses to the issues surrounding his birth certificate up through his handling of the Blago debacle, this "Man of Transparency" has shown a level of opaqueness that comes straight out of the Richard Nixon playbook.

The latest? Rahm pit-yorkie Emanuel was, in fact (and contrary to Obama's incessant assertions) pressuring Blago to appoint one Valerie Jarrett to the seat Mr. Obama had vacated. (Jarett has since been named a Senior Advisor to Obama in the upcoming White House)

OK. We've already established the man has lied on this issue. At some point, one of two things are likely to happen, as I see it. Mr. Obama will have to act to cover his involvement in this matter... and make no mistake... he IS involved in this, either directly or indirectly... because the American people will have FINALLY awakened to what this man is.

Or, the people will continue to drink the kool aid and let this guy continue his rather dangerous course of saying he is one thing when his actions clearly show he's something quite different... and he continues in his role of the new opiate of the masses.

I believe the likely outcome of this is that Mr. Emanuel, who is allegedly on 21 different fed- taped conversations dealing with the very thing Obama has denied he or his people have dealt with, namely, Mr. Obama's replacement; will be sacrificed as something of a rogue element within the Obama transition team in an effort to, once again, deflect responsibility from Mr. Obama directly.

As more information comes out, Mr. Obama will have to stop dodging the questions. This astounding effort to avoid the issue; this direct violation of every promise he made on the campaign trail concerning the "transparency" thing... all of this will have to be dealt with some how. And I, for one, find Mr. Obama's increasing level of tone-deafness, his mishandling and bumbling of this relatively simple and straightforward issue to be rather frightening, in that, if he can screw this up to this level (and he has) how can we realistically expect this guy to handle the more minute issues confronting us, like terror, the Russians, that mental midget idiot running Venezuela, the whack job running Iran, our energy policies and on and on and on?

Nothing happening here instills confidence in me. Rezko's sentencing has been delayed, and that is certainly a troubling sign for the President-Elect. I stand by my prediction that in the end, Mr. Obama will be indicted for issues involving his political history in the Chicago machine.

If Mr. Obama were to actually live up to his promises, then he could actually become the greatest president in our history. But so far, he's starting out to look like Richard Nixon, part deux. Will the people stand for it?

Stay tuned.

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