Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Vancouver Firefighters astound: They waive pay raises to help budget.

Firefighters are amazing people. These men and woman actually charge INTO burning structures that I want to get the hell out of. Every call may put their life at risk. Every call.

I've had some harsh things to say about unions... but based on their moronic stupidity lately... the sniveling of the UAW... the despicable law suits filed by state employee unions... who can blame me?

Just when I thought all hope was lost... along comes the Vancouver Fire Department, Local 452.

The story speaks for itself. It shows the kind of common sense, understanding and empathy that we would like to think that all government unions should show during these trying financial times.

Regardless of union issues, Firefighters have always had my respect and admiration. But today, those traits have deepened and widened for me and several thousand others.

Thank you for all you do.

And thank you for showing the courage of your convictions. I won't forget it.

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Vancouver firefighters waive pay raises to help city budget
04:20 PM PST on Tuesday, December 30, 2008
By KGW Staff

VANCOUVER, Wash. -- As the economy continues to flounder Vancouver firefighters made a surprising decision Tuesday to forego salary increases.

The firefighter’s union overwhelmingly agreed to waive a 4 percent pay raise scheduled to take effect in 2009.

The vote passed by 91 percent.

Vancouver's mayor thanked firefighters, saying that on top of saving lives, they were saving city government some $700,000.

“I don't know of any time in the history of the city that any union or guild has done this,” Mayor Royce Pollard said. “It is truly a recognition of the needs of the community and I have nothing but respect and admiration for the Vancouver Firefighters Union.”

Pollard said the money will be used to make sure public safety is maintained at the same level for 2009.

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