Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Things that make you go "HHhhmmmmm...." Illinois Democrats Let Blagojevich Keep Naming Power

So, we have an "allegedly" corrupt Governor who was looking to sell his state's US Senate seat like a cheeseburger on eBay.

We have a President-Elect who swears on a "transparent" stack of "change" that he hasn't had any contact with the Governor (which is an outright lie) and that he hasn't discussed any replacements; also, apparently, a lie.

Ooohhhh.... the outrage. Their were immediate demands for a "special election." Pro-terrorist United States Senator Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) (Famous for comparing the US Military with Nazis, Soviets and Pol Pot on the floor of the Senate) issued demands for a special election to determine President-Elect Obama's replacement, since any replacement named by Blago would be tainted as it seems to be increasingly likely that the Obama Administration will be tainted (Folks, until the President-Elect is indicted.... and I believe he WILL be indicted... (How could you climb out of the cesspool that is Chicago Politics and not be illegal in some respect?)) as being a pawn of the corrupt Chicago machine.

Now, all of a sudden... the decision to go to a special election has been shelved! Now... why do you suppose that is? Why did Senator Durbin's "principles" suddenly disappear as fast as Obama's "transparency?"

Because somebody looked south to Louisiana. Somebody remembered the Jefferson-Cao congressional race, where a Vietnamese-American Republican actually won against a corrupt, 9 term incumbent democrat, William "Cold Hard Cash" Jefferson. They suddenly understood that the corruption they had railed against so much in the 06 cycle was now, to quote the good Reverend, "coming home to roost."

They suddenly figured out that if they actually opened up this appointment to a special election, they would be handing this election to the Republicans. Now we have the the state of Illinois lying about lacking the funds to pay for a special election.

As a strategic matter, leftists depend on voters having the attention span of a nat. Time and again, they've been proven right. Obama, to quote one of his heroes, has become the opiate of the masses.

And how do I know all of this?

By Joe Carroll

Dec. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Democrats in the Illinois House of Representatives postponed stripping Governor Rod Blagojevich’s power to fill the U.S. Senate seat vacated by President-elect Barack Obama that prosecutors say Blagojevich tried to sell.

The governor, a Chicago Democrat, retains authority to appoint Obama’s successor while the House pursues an impeachment process that may last weeks. Democratic lawmakers led by House Speaker Michael Madigan dropped plans late yesterday to schedule a special election to fill the post after failing to agree in a closed-door meeting, said Steve Brown, a Madigan aide.

Blagojevich, 52, has resisted demands he resign since his Dec. 9 arrest by the FBI and accusations he tried to auction Obama’s seat for personal gain and intimidate the Chicago Tribune newspaper into firing editorial writers. Republicans said Democrats, who hold a 67-51 majority in the chamber, seek to avoid a loss of the seat to the GOP in a special election.

“Shame on you,” Representative William Black, deputy leader of Republicans in the House, shouted during a debate in the state capitol building in Springfield. “We had an opportunity to limit the power of this governor and you refused.”


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