Thursday, December 25, 2008

There are lies, damned lies, and the Columbian: In our view Dec. 25: A Dozen Crocks

Clearly, as the Columbian continues its downward death spiral into bankruptcy, the clowns running the paper have yet to ascertain the wisdom of an old adage that has stood the test of time:

"When you find yourself at the bottom of a hole.... stop digging."

This newspaper has violated every journalistic tenet known to man as they continue on in their stuck-on-stupid mode over scamming us for billions of dollars all so they can get their loot rail project into Clark County.

It is this kind of violation of the public trust that makes it easy for me to refuse to give them a dime.

It is this kind of violation of the public trust that has caused me to do everything I can to avoid shopping in those stores that advertise in this abattoir of journalistic tenets.

It is this kind of violation of the public trust that sickens me every time I read anything about the I-5 Bridge, because I know that chances are, these scum are lying... all so they can get what they want.

These carbuncles on the ass of journalism use this picture:

And then, they use this heading:

The Interstate 5 Bridge’s two spans, built in 1917 and 1958, were constructed on timber pilings that still support them 70 feet under the river bottom. Experts say recent studies show that the sandy soil beneath the spans is likely to liquefy to a depth of 75 feet during a significant earthquake.

"Experts" also "say" that newspapers are obsolete and should all go out of business... and in the case of the Columbian, sooner rather than later.

We've HAD "significant earthquakes."

Did the Bridge fall down?

One of the many despicable arguments these morons use is the "earthquake argument." Hey.... maybe we can segue' that into the rogue asteroid argument! You know, something like this:

"Experts say recent studies show that if we get hit by an asteroid of any size, all life on planet earth will end."

So what?

What anyone breathing in this community knows is that the "earthquake argument" is worthless.

Even if such a thing were true, retrofitting the bridge as opposed to replacing it so the Downtown Mafia can get their loot rail into town for wasted billions of dollars would be the wise course monetarily.

What makes the "earthquake argument" DESPICABLE, though, is that the clowns at the Columbian who are pushing their agenda do so in violation of their charter, and because they KNOW it to be false. Their purpose is to report the news.... not to make it, or to act like the PR arm of the democrat party (as they did in this last election cycle) or the unions who want the jobs that replacing this bridge would provide.

Today's editorial was just another chapter in the Columbian's continuing and sickening effort to force their world view and social engineering on a population that does not want it... and based on their recently abysmal circulation figures and near-bankruptcy, does not want them.

In our view Dec. 25: A Dozen Gifts
No partridges in pear trees, no turtle doves, no pipers piping, no drummers drumming
Thursday, December 25 1:00 a.m.

The Interstate 5 Bridge’s two spans, built in 1917 and 1958, were constructed on timber pilings that still support them 70 feet under the river bottom. Experts say recent studies show that the sandy soil beneath the spans is likely to liquefy to a depth of 75 feet during a significant earthquake.

Yaddah, yaddah, yaddah.

More, if you can stomach it:

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