Tuesday, December 23, 2008

State union thugs: now SUING the Gov for their pay raises.

The people of this country generally and this state particularly are hurting. We're hurting big time in a wide variety of areas. On December 18th, I wrote about Gov. Gregoire's stunning effort to balance the budget without raising taxes, and mentioned my belief that the unions don't give a damn about anyone but themselves.

So, what do the union scum do?

They sue the Governor. Here's the Seattle Times' take on it... and here's the PI's effort.

These selfish clowns are actually suing the Governor as outlined here:
The lawsuit asks Thurston County Superior Court to compel the governor to submit a request to the Legislature to fund the pay raises and other economic parts of the five contracts negotiated by the Federation. The pacts cover 30,000 General Government workers and 10,000 employees at 12 community colleges and all four-year universities and The Evergreen State College.

"Pay raise?" They need to be forced to take a substantial PAY CUT. Or do they find the idea of unemployment intriguing?

Apparently, these thugs, including those employed at our universities, lack the ability to grasp the impacts of our troubled economy.

Or, alternately, they simply don't care because they're greedy pigs.

Remember the good old days, before the dems paid these scum off with collective bargaining?

Were it up to me, I'd fire off a bill to decertify the state employee unions. I would hammer them like nails, since they clearly don't give a damn about those they allegedly serve.... that is, us.

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