Monday, December 01, 2008

Speaking of a lack of critical thinking skills: "Stephanopoulos: Obama Caused Stock Rally and Black Friday Sales." Did he cause today's horrific....

. as well?

The DOW down 679.95 to close at 8149

S&P down 80.05 to close at 816.20

The NASDAQ down 137.50 at 1398.07

If there is any doubt that the MSM remains in the tank for President-Elect Obama, then this type of nonsense should dispel such an attitude.

I believe the MSM is "vested" in Mr. Obama, and will do everything they can to assist him.

To that end, they will sit on negative information impacting his presidency, and they will wildly exaggerate positive information such as the possible idea that Mr. Obama is in any way, responsible for last weeks stock market activity.

For example:

"During the panel discussion of the most recent installment of "This Week," Stephanopoulos said (video available here, relevant section at 11:05):

President-elect Obama also said this week in a series of press conferences that he held Monday through Wednesday on the economy and laying out his economic team. You got to give him credit for one thing at least: ever since the leak of Tim Geithner as Treasury Secretary at 3:00 last Friday, the Dow has gone up 17%, the S&P has gone up 19%. So at least there's been a vote of confidence in the markets for president-elect Obama…And Black Friday, that’s exactly right, sales up three percent surprisingly on Black Friday. So, is this about the Obama economic team?"


Unless, of course, he is also responsible for the Market diving head first into the toilet today. Can we realistically expect the MSM talking heads like Stephanopoulos to tie Obama to today's horrific loss?


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