Sunday, December 21, 2008

Light rail fans: more proof that light rail is a waste of money.

So, we get a little snow. What else do we get? Almost the entirely of Portland's loot rail system down and being replaced with.... buses.

Imagine what Portland COULD have done with the wasted hundreds of millions they've blown on this unnecessary and unwanted pig. is reporting that most of Max is down and so's AmTrak.

Man, that kind of thing just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy about the $4 BILLION waste the Downtown Mafia want to ram down our throats to get their light rail across the river... even though they know we don't want it.

Fast, efficient, COST EFFECTIVE transportation systems would be welcomed. Since light rail is none of those, then we shouldn't add to the stupidity inherent in replacing a bridge that doesn't need replacing so special interests deaf to the pleas of the people can get what they want over our objections.

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