Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Leftists, please check your "holier than thou" at the door. Thank you.

With the arrest of Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich in the widening Rezco/Obama land deal investigation, democrats generally and fringe leftists particularly can feel free to shelve this atitude that only Republicans are corrupt.


Federal probe widens to vacant senate seat, Illinois Gov...

'A fu**ing valuable thing, you just don't give it away for nothing'...

Wiretaps: 'I Want To Make Money'...

MERRY FITZMAS: Plame Leak Prosecutor Turns Attention on Obama's Home State...

'The breadth of corruption laid out in these charges is staggering'...


I am not about to claim that Republicans are above any sort of corruption; on the contrary, all too often Republicans in government corrupt both the ideals of the party (which is why I no longer lay claim to the title "Republican") and the legalities and ethics of the party.

And for years, Republicans have been blasted by the left and the MSM as a party of corruption.

Those charges, of course, ignore democrat corruption at all levels, corruption everyone "knew" was going on but never talked about... until now.

Governor Rod Blagojevich's arrest is yet another salvo in the opening round of this investigation. I have frequently expressed the idea that Mr. Obama will not survive his first term.... not as the victim of assassination, but as the result of indictment. This action makes that more likely.

Stay tuned, and H/T to Drudge.

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