Thursday, December 18, 2008

But not by me: Frugal state budget hated by almost everybody

I've publicly stated in the past, though not on this blog, that there was no way that Gov. Gregoire would not raise our taxes to balance the gapping maw of a budget deficit.

I stand corrected.

Our taxes will definitely be raised, because as this article points out, many (and unions in particular) are incapable of understand that our economy is a shambles. They could care less that thousands are becoming unemployed every week... they want what they want, no matter how badly the rest of us have to suffer for them to get it.

Unions don't give a damn about anyone or anything but themselves. If they did, there would at least be a spirit of compromise... a pragmatic understanding that our entire state is suffering, and as public servants, unions have to share in that pain.

I have yet to see anything that indicates they get it.

The question I have is this: Is this budget political eyewash?

Gov. Gregoire HAS the ability to make sure that this budget, substantially unaltered, becomes the financial plan for this state.

All she has to do is hold a press conference tomorrow and tell the world the following:

"I will veto any budget that doesn't closely match my proposals."

If she FAILS to do that... and soon... then we'll know that this effort was eyewash.

We'll keep a close watch on her. Will she get testicular on Frank and Lisa's buttocks?

Frugal state budget hated by almost everybody


OLYMPIA -- Unacceptable.

That's what advocates for education, health and social programs called the $3 billion in cuts Gov. Chris Gregoire proposes in a no-new taxes plan for bridging a $5.8 billion budget shortfall.

"For low income individuals and families, this is sort of the nightmare before Christmas," said human services lobbyist Nick Federici. "The elimination of the General Assistance- Unemployable program, which is financial assistance for the lowest of the low income -- along with their mental health and health care benefits, elimination of a substantial portion of the basic health plan, cutting housing assistance by one half -- I think this is going to be devastating for not just the low income but working families that rely on a lot of these type of programs particularly in these tough economic times."

The criticism of Gregoire's budget comes as no surprise. Gregoire said of her own budget: "I hate it ...Nothing went untouched, and I've told people whom I respect and admire and who have folks that are going to be dramatically by this budget, 'You're going to hate it.' I've told Legislators, 'You are going to hate my budget. There's something in there for everybody not to like.'"


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