Friday, November 14, 2008

Phil Harju, Cowlitz mouthpiece, implemented in $1.52 million sexual harrassment award.

Maybe it's something in the water.

First, megacasino developer David Barnett racks up restraining orders from women... then Phil Harju, Cowlitz Council member and megacasino shill, helps to cost the taxpayers of Thurston County (Or their insurance company) a lot of money.

$1.52 million award against county upheld

Harju, a now former Thurston County Deputy Prosecutor, "left the prosecutors office job this year to become General Counsel for the Cowlitz Tribe." After Barnett's restraining orders, Harju had to take a more active role in attempting to scam the people of Clark County.

Another council member, who doesn't even have a drop of Cowlitz blood in his veins, was fired for sexual harrassmwent from a gig at Microsoft.

HHhhmmmm.... and some people want this kind of "leadership" in Clark County?

OLYMPIA – The state Court of Appeals has upheld a jury's $1.52 million award in a sex-discrimination lawsuit against Thurston County.

The jury's verdict found that three women formerly employed as Thurston County prosecutors were forced to endure a hostile work environment and suffered retaliation after they complained about their treatment.

During the 2006 jury trial, one of the former prosecutors testified that Thurston County Prosecuting Attorney Ed Holm participated in the discriminatory treatment, including "several incidents in which Holm described various women based on their breast size and whether they were good looking," reads the appeals court's opinion. "He made sexualized comments to her, mentioning at one time that he could save expenses by sharing a room with a female Lacey Police officer, who he described as really good looking."

Holm said the former prosecutor's allegations are not true. He also pointed out that he was not named as a defendant in the lawsuit, and as a result, he did not have the right to cross-examine witnesses.


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