Wednesday, November 26, 2008

How I see it: It's time for Washington State Supreme Court Justice Richard Sanders to resign.

Recently, there was a dinner where the US Attorney General, Michael Mukasey, collapsed in the middle of his speech and was taken to the hospital.

Shortly before, and most probably unrelated to that collapse, our own Washington State Supreme Court Justice Richard Sanders, who to this point I respected and admired; decided to engage in Code Pink childishness and idiocy and yell out in front of the several hundred in attendance: "Tyrant! You are a tyrant!"

He justified his un justifiable actions by spewing about how much he disagreed with Mukasey and the administration on a variety of issues related to the war on terror.


But when others attempted to hold him accountable for his Code Pink idiocy, he prevaricated. He denied. He deflected. And those others were attacked, wrongfully, by more of the leftist media, while Justice Sanders let it happen.

Too late, he finally admits it.

And for that, Mr. Justice, you must resign.

Your inability to control yourself in this setting goes to your stability and reasoning power as a Supreme Court Justice.

Mr. Sanders, what did you think was going to be said at a dinner where the AG was going to talk about Bush war on terror policies? If you were in such strong disagreement with those polices, THEN WHY DID YOU GO TO THE DINNER?

Was this childish idiocy your plan all along?

Michelle Malkin lays it all out here:

What the hell were you thinking? Leftists will rally around Justice Sanders on this, because they're still possessed of BDS, and because they're so upset that we're actually accomplishing something in Iraq. Fringe nutters are, as apparently Justice Sanders is, incapable of critical thinking, and they would rather we fail and spill that blood for nothing than succeed and actually accomplish something worthwhile.

It's time for you to go, Justice Sanders. Your leaving would actually be a change I could believe in.

And that's a damned shame.

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