Sunday, November 06, 2005

There are lies, damned lies, and two damned liars: The Columbian AND Steve Stuart.

Yesterday, the Columbian blasted the County GOP for letting the cat that the Columbian knew full well they had, out of the bag. Today, Steve Stuart cemented himself as one of the great liars of all political time in this county by absurdly claiming that he, Steve Stuart, is not about “personal negative attacks.”

The editorial The Columbian put out yesterday was so hypocritical as to be absurd. Instead of stating the FACT of the matter, which is indisputable: that Steve Stuart is in foreclosure, they parse it and lie about it by saying that Stuart was “was having some trouble making house payments.”

As most people with the intelligence of a board fence or better know, there is a HUGE difference between foreclosure and “having some trouble making house payments.”

Talk about spin. Talk about damage control. Did the Stuart Campaign send in one of those nice $10,000 developer checks he’s been getting?

Does the Columbian, or any person with dull-normal intelligence or above believe for one second that, had the roles been reversed, the Stuart campaign and/or the democrats would not have attempted to take advantage of that fact of his foreclosure?

In the end, if there is any shame, it belongs to the Columbian itself, for so blindly and blatantly supporting a candidate they endorsed, doing everything they can to strengthen his candidacy, including sitting on information that should have been published without anyone sending an email anywhere. The Columbian, their denials notwithstanding, RARELY endorse Republicans at any level, and their claim that ”many” of their endorsements go to Republicans is facetious at best.

In local elections, one need look no farther than last November to see the lie in their statement: They endorse a democrat for the Senate who’s never lived here. They endorse an ultra-liberal democrat for re-election to the House in a district that is anything but ultra-liberal. They endorse a pro-gay marriage/pro-partial birth abortion democrat in the 18th… for some reason… God only knows. They endorsed the most liberal, arrogant, dishonest democrat in the legislature in the 49th…

When a Republican is looking for an endorsement from the Columbian, they have to keep in mind the fact that giving the democrat the endorsement is the default setting. And then, once they’ve taken the endorsement, there’s nothing that person can do to cause the Columbian to question their own choice.

As their endorsement of Stuart has proven, there is no level of incompetence or lack of a plan that will change their minds. The Columbian tells us to go to Steve Stuart’s web site to check him out. Unfortunately, there’s not even a thin veneer of substance located on that piece of work. There is, in effect, no there, there. There is no plan… no vision… no thought. No record of accomplishment or achievement, nothing of the sort.

The moment the Columbian endorses a candidate (AND THEY ROUTINELY ENDORSE DEMOCRATS BY FAR GREATER NUMBERS THEN REPUBLICANS, EVEN IN A PROVEN REPUBLICAN DISTRICT) they stop being an “unbiased” source of news for or about that candidate. They have made their decision. Once made, they will do anything and everything they can to support it… to the embarrassment of many, and to the discredit of their profession of “journalism.”

Stuart’s bogus effort to distance himself from the negative campaign he has designed and implemented, or to condemn either the push-polling or hit pieces that both his campaign and the Progressive Majority has engaged in is just that: bogus and an example of the Columbian's hypocrisy.

How can he condemn that which he has deliberately engaged in? How can allegedly condemn negative politics while reveling in it from the tribal-backed efforts of the Progressive Majority, now up to $86,000 in a little more then a week… more money then they’ve ever spent on any candidate anywhere in the country, and the ONLY county commissioner race they’ve EVER been involved in ANYWHERE?

So, the hypocrites at the Columbian bitch and moan and whine like this: “But what we find unseemly is when one is caked with the mud but pretends to be clean as can be,” while maintaining an absolute silence about the nasty, divisive politics practiced by the Stuart campaign or those operating at his behest.

And that is, bar far, the biggest hypocrisy practiced at the Columbian: their selective application of the standards they apply to everyone else, but fail to apply to those they support.

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