Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Columbian blows it: In Our View - Bias? What a Laugh!

With friends like this, who needs enemies?

The fringe leftists running the Columbian’s editorial board took a stab at comparing apples to oranges today in the matter of Storedahl v. County Commissioners.

The Storedahl position is clear, easily proven, and black-letter law. Commissioner Stuart has, according to Storedahl, made what amounts to incriminating statements, incriminating in so far as the matter of bias is concerned. Commissioner Morris has engaged in actions that tend to prove her bias by virtue of providing funds and involvement with two rabid anti-Storedahl organizations, Fish First and Friends of the East Fork.

The matter of bias is not a philosophical issue. One can put aside their philosophy and adhere to the law, much like the Columbian puts aside common sense when they support neo-communist fringe leftists in their endorsements.

The standard that must be met here is to avoid even the APPEARANCE of bias… or else, recuse one's self from considering the issue at hand.

The Columbian not only aids in proving Stuart’s and Morris’s bias, they revel in it. That, of course, is their privilege, like so much of their idiocy is their privilege. But that begs the legal issue: are commissioners with a proven bias in a matter required to recuse themselves from an issue coming before them? The answer is quite clearly, yes.

The Columbian’s cheap shot at Boldt (yeah… they’re only concerned about “balance”) is in no way comparable to the issue at hand. If the Columbian or anyone else believes Boldt to have a predisposition to support Storedahl with an incorrect application of the law due to some bias, then by all means, make the allegations and prove it.

So, is there some particular reason that the Columbian has used their bully pulpit to, well, bully those they happen to disagree with, both now and in the past?

Here, the issue is one of an incorrect application of the law against Storedahl that was driven by the bias of two commissioners.

So, as far as it goes, there is a laugh, all right: a laugh at the ignorance of the anonymous editorial writers… a laugh at their efforts to engage in propaganda driven by their OWN bias… a position that, in effect, says: screw the law, we want it our way (Not unlike the embarrassment of Koenninger’s crusade against the Beas… and the destruction of his position by a 9-0 ruling of the state supreme court.)

Yup… a million yuks… all helping Storedahl to prove their point.


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