Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Stuart is desperate and is getting stuck on stupid: Push-polling and doorbelling lies.

Steve Stuart's lackluster failure of a campaign is in the hurtlocker. He has to do something, since he's getting killed out there... so what has he stooped to?


Apparently, democrats are too damned dumb to have reviewed the results of the Zarelli-Seabrook campaign to understand what happened when you engage in campaign filth.

The push-polling calls have included remarks like "Tom Mielke would allow women to throw their babies into dumpsters" and the like.

Steve Stuart himself has been making outrageous claims while doorbelling, "Tom Mielke is planning on raising taxes on Washougal," he told one source.

Well, Steve, just because you're getting your butt kicked doesn't mean you have to become despicable. You need to rise above the scum-level you've sunk to, stick to the issues and hope for the best.

Of course, in your case... once you've had to resort to lies and fabrication, you've lost already. I was just hoping you weren't going to be like the typical democrat scumbag campaigner... something better then the pus of the moveoff.org types.

I was wrong.

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