Saturday, October 01, 2005

The Seattle Times nails it: more racist bigotry from the left.

Racism is not, as the left would like you to believe, a latter-day phenomena.

Nor is it practiced exclusively by whites towards every other ethnicity... again, as the left would like you to believe.

Since democrats lost their collective minds and hired the ubiquitous nutjob, Dr. Dean/Mr. Hyde to run their zoo, racist and/or bigoted comments from their leadership have abounded.

The most recent bigotry was expressed by Charlie Rangel, "Congressman for Life" from Harlem. (In fact, ol' Charlie is reminiscent of another waste of skin Congressman from Seattle... Jim McDermott.)

Pandering shamelessly to the ultra-leftist racist segment of his constituency, this waste of skin engaged in inexcusable conduct and allegation against George Bush by comparing him to the late, unlamented Bull Connors.

Now, Nazi Pelosi blew a gasket yesterday over comments made by Bill Bennett on his radio show a few days ago. So, where was her condemnation of Rangel's comments, at LEAST equally racist, equally bigoted and equally wrong?


But then, democrats ARE the Party of Hypocrisy. And palsies silence in the face of Rangle's rampant bigotry speaks for itself. These people would kill their own mothers for political advantage.

"Congressional Black Caucus?" The very idea is racist. That there would be an official organization in Congress based on race... what if there was a "Congressional White Caucus?"

Well, we already know the answer to that. But then, the group is falsely named any... it is, in fact, the democrat black caucus, since they won't allow Republican blacks to join.... just a little bit MORE hypocrisy.

Saturday, October 1, 2005 - Page updated at 12:00 AM

Racist hyperbole

Racist hyperbole ought to be slapped down any time it raises its ugly head.

One example occurred at a recent New York town-hall meeting of the Congressional Black Caucus, when Rep. Charles Rangel took to the stage and declared, "George Bush is our Bull Connor." It was a statement steeped in exaggeration and ignorance of history. Bull Connor was the Birmingham police chief who turned hoses and dogs on civil-rights marchers in 1963 and became the symbol of Southern racism.

President Bush's mishandling of the response to Hurricane Katrina ought to be balanced with his record of appointing the first black secretary of state and the first black woman to head the National Security Council.

Then there is former education secretary and radio talk-show host William Bennett, who resorted to a racially hateful hypothetical to point out statistics can be misleading.

"I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could — if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down," Bennett told a national audience. Such action would be "an impossible, ridiculous and morally reprehensible thing to do," Bennett said, but noted it would lower the crime rate. It matters not a whit that Bennett's remarks were off-the-cuff. They are dangerous and disturbing.

Calamities such as natural disasters often bring out the worst in people. But we have the right to expect better of the people entrusted with a public bully pulpit.

Copyright © 2005 The Seattle Times Company

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