Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The psychology of the Columbian: they got it right, but would rather choke than admit that Eyman did something they agree with.

How bizarre is it that the Columbian endorses an initiative championed by none other than Tim Eyman, and they couldn’t even mention his name!

That, ladies and gentlemen, is the deep-rooted hatred of the left at play.

Even when Eyman accomplishes something that the Columbian can agree with, they would rather dive into a pool of warm spit then to acknowledge his hard work and effort on I-900.

There’s something sick about that. These clowns are so used to Eyman-bashing that they simply cannot bring themselves to give credit where it’s due.

That’s right… read the entire editorial… and not ONE WORD about Eyman is in it.

This is a proof that these idiots cannot be unbiased. They cannot be fair. It simply isn’t possible for them to deal with reality.


That’s not a sign of fairness. Instead, it’s a sign of weakness and a lack of character. But then, considering the source… what else is new?

In Our View - 'Yes' on I-900
Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Columbian editorial writers

Initiative 900 would complete a crucial task that the Legislature left unfinished. The Columbian endorses I-900 as an excellent method of making state and local agencies more efficient and accountable.

If passed, I-900 would direct the state auditor to conduct performance audits of state and local governments. A minute part (0.16 percent) of the state portion of sales and use tax revenue would fund the audits.

Sound familiar? It's the same issue upon which the Legislature "acted" earlier this year. But instead of granting the state auditor full authority, lawmakers shackled him with a citizens advisory board. That restraint is even more ominous than it sounds; not only would such a board inhibit or obstruct the state auditor's work, its members would be appointed by politicians and thus subject to highly political influences. Better to let the state auditor audit the state, without interference from other people's political cronies.

Performance audits are more extensive than fiscal audits. They examine practices, procedures, staffing, and other areas. They've produced tremendous savings in other states:

Texas has saved more than $13 billion in the past 14 years as a result of performance audits. School districts alone have found ways to save $600 million. California expects to save $32 billion in five years after implementing 1,200 recommendations. Colorado, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and New Mexico have saved millions after auditing the performance of state and local agencies.

Opponents of I-900 have mounted arguments that are almost laughable. They think the $10 million that will be spent each year on performance audits is a waste of money. But when you consider that in Washington, state and local agencies spend $40 billion a year, an objective performance-audit program is easily worth $10 million.

Opponents also don't like the idea of state watchdogs hovering over local agencies, but consider two points: Performance audits yield recommendations not requirements and local officials should welcome an outside, independent review (unless they're hiding something).

As for state agencies, performance audits make perfect sense considering the multibillion-dollar shortfalls that budget writers have faced in recent years. When such a challenge arises, why not make sure every tax dollar is spent wisely?

And don't forget the unmeasured impact of I-900: its deterrent effect. How many agencies would become more efficient just knowing I-900 has passed?

When one of the few I-900 opponents argues that legislators already solved the problem and the initiative is unnecessary, refer them to state Rep. Mark Miloscia, D-Federal Way. He helped write the performance-audit bill that was passed by the Legislature, but he believes the audits should be independent, so he supports I-900.

Holding government fully accountable for wisely spending precious tax dollars is only logical. Vote for accountability and efficiency. Vote for Initiative 900.

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