Monday, October 03, 2005

Alex blows it again...

Alex blows it again.

Local leftists are known for a lack of political acumen and a weak grasp of the obvious… why else would they be local leftists?

Today’s entry on the ccd website is no exception.

alex_van's blog
War Update
alex_van – Sun, 10/02/2005 – 5:04pm
Since the news in America is dominated by hurricanes and scandals within our own country I thought it was time for an Iraqi War update. "A USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll published last week found 63 percent of respondents said some or all of the U.S. troops in Iraq should be withdrawn, and a record-high 59 percent said the invasion was a mistake." I am aware all polls/surveys should be taken with a grain of salt, with all the possibilities of loaded questions and bias samples, but, 'More than 1,900 U.S. troops have been killed in Iraq since the U.S. invasion in March 2003, and the American public is expressing growing uneasiness..." Currently Bush is warning us "there would be more violence before an October vote on a new constitution. "More difficult and dangerous work still lies ahead. The terrorists have a history of escalating their attacks before Iraq's major political milestones," Bush said".
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First of all, when the polls showed huge support of the war, these clowns sniveled just as much. Amazing how these polls mean something when they support your “position” but mean nothing when they don’t.

Secondly, Alex fails to regale us with the outcome of his dream of immediate withdrawal.

While I’ve had issues with some of the Iraq decisions, the fact is this: we are there now.

America has become a video game society. We demand immediate results and when we don’t get those results, we’re susceptible to neo-comm drivel from the left, the unceasing anti-Americanism that provides aid and comfort to our enemies… a Chinese water-torture offensive… everything from calling American military Members Nazi’s through the constant drumbeat of doubt, of complaint, of bogus allegation after bogus allegation.

Americans today are showing precisely the attitude towards the war that the left WANTS them to show. Not because that position is right… but because the left wants it.

The left is giddy with the hope that we will fail in this war. The accuracy of that observation is clear and simply compared with reality.

When was the last time any of these leftist lunatics said anything POSITIVE about the war? They whine about 1900 VOLUNTEER American dead.

During the time of the war… from 1993 to now…. Over 60,000 Americans have died on our Nation’s highways. Where are their complaints about THAT?

Nowhere. There’s no political advantage to be gained complaining about that.

They are FAR more likely to attack the President and his policies, or act like the ACLU, whose despicable actions in the latest round of Abu Gharib picture releases WILL result in American blood spilled, taking steps to increase the death and destruction we suffer in Iraq. They are far more likely to put stock in a left wing nut like Cindy Sheehan, so whacked her own husband kicked her to the curb.

It is no wonder to me that these polls are trotted out now by the left as much as they were ignored when the numbers were reversed. Which leads us to the parroting of the worthless and shortsighted entry by Alex, above.

It is no mystery to me that the neo-comms share exactly the same short-term goals as Al-qaida. Both want the immediate withdrawal of forces from Iraq. Mere coincidence? I think not.

My question is this: How will Iraq become a better place if we leave it now to the tender mercies of muslim nutjobs that want to take control of the place?

Here’s another observation you can take to the bank: NONE of these people, including ol’ Alex, would want to live in an Iraq where Americans have been completely withdrawn before they can take care of themselves.

So… we pull out the troops. What will that accomplish?

Well, immediate civil war in the region. Slaughter on all sides while they rush to fill the political vacuum. Death and destruction far beyond anything experienced in the region to this point.

And that’s just one of the problems of the left. They have this goal, which is to weaken the President, so they can gain political advantage. They don’t give a damn about the people slaughtered over there by terrorists on a wholesale basis. It’s all about partisanship. It’s all about power, and control. And the left doesn’t give a damn about how many bodies they have to step on to get it.

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