Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Jim Johnson, democrat, hammers Steve Stuart.

In yesterday's Columbian, Jim Johnson, well-known democrat activist, let Steve Stuart have it with a rhetorical blast right between the eyes. If Johnson is reading the writing on the wall... was does that mean for Stuart?

Demotions are suspect

Reported in a Sept. 12 story, "Demotion shakes county engineers," the Clark County commissioners' demotion of engineer Richard Drinkwater is appalling. The engineering staff he headed met department goals for timely review, and he recently received a promotion and raise.

County Commissioner Betty Sue Morris thought she recalled a complaint years ago, but can provide no examples. I believe she is simply following Marc Boldt on this issue. For them to admit they hadn't read available documents, then to hide their act by delaying the information from July until September is shameful. This purely political move made without regard to performance makes me positive these commissioners are firmly in the developers' pockets.

Other examples include planner Pat Lee's reassignment because his report stated the infrastructure would be inadequate to handle additional development. Also, the recently developed 20-year growth plan has now been rejected and a much more expansive growth plan is under consideration less than one year after the last one was approved.

There is a remedy for elected officials performing such stunts don't re-elect them. Steve Stuart is up for election this November, and I have supported him. However, I am disappointed that he has shown no backbone in this travesty.

Recalls, anyone?

Jim Johnson


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