Tuesday, September 06, 2005

A few more quotes from Mike Heywood, porn freak and soon to be failed city council candidate.

Are you as astounded as I am by the massive democrat support this clown is getting? His own female campaign manager isn't, allegedly, bothered by his peculiar interest in objectifying women... and possibly worse. Of course, democrats have never been very big on personal responsibility... unless, of course, they can assign it to someone else.

So, here's a few quotes fresh off the
Columbian Discussion Board that tend to provide yet another snapshot into the porn-tewisted mind of this typically high-ranking (STILL 49th District Chair?) democrat.

Look at what Mike Heywood had to say in 2003, when he ran for city council just 9 months after being fired by the Columbian for watching porn on the company computer. From a Columbian article dated August 29, 2003:

"A vote for me may be seen as a vote for The Columbian," Heywood said. "A lot of people may not want to do that."

No kidding. No wonder the Columbian didn't endorse him this year. Campbell, Brancaccio, Brown ALL knew about Heywood's perverted porn ways and they were willing to subject an innocent public to him!!

From the same 2003 article:

Heywood disagrees with the city council's decision last year to increase spending for police and fire at the expense of parks and community services.

"I think their zeal for public safety was somewhat misplaced," he (heywood) said. "It's better to give a kid a place to play ... than it is to set a guard over him."

Heywood also had the gall to comment on sex offenders in his neighborhood. From Heywood editorial of Jan 18, 2002, titled creepily enough NO EASY FIX FOR NEXT-DOOR SEX OFFENDERS.

Heywood, who would be fired within 2 years, said of the 31 sex offenders in his zip code: "I either have to figure out a different way of thinking about them or go nuts every time my gr&children visit which turns out to be nearly every day."

Pot calling the kettle....Heywood goes on to call them "...monsters out of their vile habits & evil madnesses warn society that they will almost certainly prey on new victims whenever they see chances." "They have to live somewhere, but you wouldn't want any of them living close to you if you had daughters at home or grandchildren visiting or anyone else near & dear who might become a victim." (continued)

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