Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Democrats politicize Katrina every chance they get and John Kerry is no exception.

The whiney little local democrat web site sniveled first, about Karl Rove getting overall responsibility for the Gulf Coast rebuild, before one nail had been driven; and please, OMG, DON'T POLITICIZE IT!

So... what does every leftist neo-comm democrat walking upright do without complaint from our local CCD weberette?

Politicize it.

But of course, when the d's do it... that's "different."

In this case, it's Loser John Kerry who's attempting to make money off the agaony of New Orleans. Yesterday, it was Bill "Can I get that off your dress?" Clinton.

Man... the whiners DO reek of hypocrisy... don't they?

John.... you lost. Get over it.

TODH to Drudge

The Hill

Kerry blasts Bush on federal response to Hurricane Katrina
By Jonathan Allen

Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) unleashed a furious attack on the Bush administration at a Brown University speech yesterday, upbraiding the president’s response to the hurricane that recently devastated the Gulf Coast and tying it to what he sees as other flaws at the White House.

“This is the Katrina administration,” read prepared remarks posted on 2004 Democratic presidential nominee’s website, www.johnkerry.com. “Katrina is a symbol of all this administration does and doesn't do,” read Kerry’s script, portions of which were included in an e-mail to supporters that ended with a fundraising appeal.


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