Monday, September 19, 2005

Cindy Sheehan threatens Hillary? MEEEEOOOWWWWW!

Not even Hillary deserves this waste of skin.

TODH to orbusmax/Michele Malkin

Michelle Malkin · September 19, 2005 11:50 AM

Cindy Sheehan isn't just a thorn in the side of the White House. Now, she's threatening Hillary Clinton--and the moonbats are eating it up. Via the NYSun:

War protester Cindy Sheehan came to New York last night with a blunt warning for Senator Clinton: End your support for the war in Iraq or else.

Visiting New York City for the first time since leaving her campsite outside President Bush's vacation ranch in Crawford, Texas, Ms. Sheehan told a packed audience in a Brooklyn church that Mrs. Clinton "knows the war is a lie" but because of her political ambitions refuses to voice any opposition.

Mrs. Clinton is "waiting for the best political moment to say" she opposes the war, Ms. Sheehan said during a 15-minute speech. "You say it or you're losing your job," she said, provoking a roar of approval from the audience. Mrs. Clinton, believed to be a possible presidential contender in 2008, has said she supports the war in Iraq and has pushed for a greater troop presence in the country.

In an interview after her speech, Ms. Sheehan said she has requested a meeting with Mrs. Clinton but has not gotten a reply. Mrs. Clinton's office was not immediately available for comment last night.

Not good for Hill's moderation maneuvers.

Think the Sheehanites will be setting up Camp Casey II outside the Hillary 2008 headquarters?

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