Wednesday, August 10, 2005

When leftist scum infest the military.

It is both saddening and disturbing that an individual with the mindset and views of the ultra-leftist neo-comm scum that infest the left could possibly have made a successful career in the modern military environment of today.

I need to make it clear that LTC Fecteau's opposition to the President is not, in and of itself, reason enough that he should not have been a military success, which, by virtue of his rank, he inarguably was.

There are some in the military today who do not support or approve of our President. That, of course, is their privilege.

But for such a person to sink to the level of an ultra-leftist neo-communist scumbag... and for that person to feel compelled to deface the property of others to punish them for their support of someone he opposes... to cause others to suffer because of the typical leftist political intolerence and lack of freedom of political thought so well known as a hallmark of the Left... For that, there can be no excuse.

As a former Regular Army Officer, I can categorically state this: LTC Fecteau, should the facts of this matter be as stated, is a disgrace to the Uniform of the Armed Forces of the United States; that he should be Court-martialed, locked up and dishonorably discharged without benefits.

Some might see this as a harsh punishment. But we took an oath. We have a duty. And if LTC Fecteau found the policies or the leadership of this administration so distasteful that it would cause him to violate the rights of others that he is sworn to protect, violate his oath as an Air Force Officer, then he should have done the right thing... the honorable thing... and resigned.

There is no excuse for this… And he needs to pay the price.

I-Team: Air Force officer allegedly vandalized cars with pro-Bush bumper stickers
written by: Chip Yost 9NEWS Investigative Reporter
Created: 8/9/2005 7:13 PM MDT - Updated: 8/10/2005 7:47 AM MDT

9NEWS Investigative Reporter Chip Yost says an Air Force officer has been arrested on charges of vandalizing cars that displayed pro President Bush bumper stickers. 5 p.m. August 9, 2005.

DENVER - Denver police say a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Air Force has admitted to vandalizing cars bearing pro-President Bush bumper stickers at Denver International Airport.

Police say he's responsible for thousands of dollars in damage on at least 12 cars. Lt. Colonel Alexis Fecteau, 42, of Colorado Springs, turned himself in to Denver police Friday.

He is director of reserve operations at the National Security Space Institute in Colorado Springs, in charge of more than 40 full-time and traditional reservists.

In the arrest affidavit, Denver police say Fecteau admitted to damaging several cars after police conducted a sting-operation to catch the anti-Bush vandal.

"It was pretty good police work," said Denver Police spokesman Sonny Jackson. He said his department took this case very seriously. "You still have a right to express yourself in this country and you shouldn't have your car vandalized because of it."

Jackson said one of the detectives put out a bait car in late June, complete with a Bush/Cheney 2004 bumper sticker, in the west economy lot at DIA. On July 1st, with a security camera zoomed in to watch, an SUV drove by the bait car, and a short time later a man entered the scene. The man in the video appeared to spray paint something on the back of the car and then continued to do something on the side of the car.

When officers returned to the bait car, the bumper sticker had been painted over and the words "F--- Bush" were spray-painted on the side of the car.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:05 PM

    When I first read his last name in the picture, I thought it was FECAL. Pretty much describes his activities...


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