Thursday, August 25, 2005

Rod Van Mechelen and another "myth-laden letter." Redux.

Rod asked the Reflector to post his trash, and unlike the Columbian, they printed ALL of it.

The Columbian, however, had the good sense to edit out Blatant Lies Numbers 3, 4 and 5.

"We encourage open debate, but we cannot tolerate blatant misinformation. Native Americans welcome the chance to set the record straight, and we will continue to be good neighbors in Clark County."

Lie Number 3: "We encourage open debate, "

In a pig's ass. David Barnett threatens and attempts to humiliate anyone who disagrees with him. He spent thousands of dollars putting together a last minute hit piece in a bogus effort to keep Richard Curtis from getting elected.

Phil, the idiot the Cowlitz send to the Roundtable every month is a very lucky man. Had he badmouthed me to my face the way he has Kami Beale of Stand Up For Clark County at those meetings, I would have knocked him out.

And even ol' Rod, the King of condescension.

Rod never addresses the issues, instead engaging in bate and switch tactics along with deflection as his modus operandi. He hypocritically opposed I-892 because that would have meant competition to the Tribe and money out of HIS pocket. But none of the negative impacts of that initiative even give him and the rest of the "Tribe" pause as they deliberately inflict the same problems on us.

No... these people don't want debate. They want us to accept their intimidation... their idea that this is a slam dunk, and act as if the concept of rape, once being determined to be inevitable, is something that we, the victims, should enjoy.


Lie Number 4: "but we cannot tolerate blatant misinformation. "


You had no problem tolerating it when you tried to get us to believe you weren't GOING to build a casino.

You had no problem tolerating it when you tried to get us to believe you were only going to build a SMALL casino... until BS Morris hopped in bed with the Tribe and rammed the MOU down our throats.

And you have no problem tolerating it NOW when you argue semantics about the Megacasino you clowns want to build outside La Center.

So, let me help you a little bit, Rod, by rewriting that sentence to tell the truth: "but we cannot tolerate blatant misinformation (unless, of course, it is to our benefit.)

Lie Number 5: "and we will continue to be good neighbors in Clark County."

Rod, neither you nor David Barnett, all 1/32nd or 1/64th of him being Cowlitz, LIVE HERE. YOU are NOT our "good neighbor." David Barnett is NOT our "good neighbor." You and your "Tribe" ARE NOT OUR NEIGHBORS, PERIOD, GOOD OR OTHERWISE.

In the end, Rod, if you REALLY "cannot tolerate blatant misinformation," then you ought to do us ALL a favor and never touch a keyboard again.

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