Wednesday, August 10, 2005

NARAL: Leftist scum.

NARAL represents the worst in the Leftist scum infesting the democrat party today.

I do not say this because of their issue advocacy. Every group or American in this country today may feel free to engage in issue advocacy as long as that advocacy does not provide aid and comfort to our enemies, such as Dick Durbin of Illinois efforts last month.

That said, I have no problem with NARAL, a democrat lackey group, shooting their mouths off against Judge Roberts.

What I have is a problem when these scumbags take the tact of completely lying in the process.

As outlined below, these skanks have deliberately and knowingly lied in their attack ads against Roberts.

God knows why or how these clowns actually believe their scumbag efforts will result in any upside. Roberts WILL be confirmed, absent a tape showing him molesting a girl scout troop. (Not that such a tape staring Bill Clinton would have made any difference to the Left)

Drudge gets the nod for ferreting this crap out.

Tue Aug 09 2005 19:41:54 ET

CNN has reviewed and agreed to run a controversial ad produced by a pro-abortion group that falsely accuses Supreme Court nominee John Roberts of filing legal papers supporting a convicted clinic bomber!

The news network has agreed to a $125,000 ad buy from NARAL, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned, for a commercial which depicts a bombed out 1998 Birmingham, AL abortion clinic.

The Birmingham clinic was bombed seven years after Roberts signed the legal briefing.

The linking of Roberts to "violent fringe groups" is the sharpest attack against the nominee thus far.

However, the non-partisan University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg reviewed the NARAL ad and found it to be “false.” found "in words and images, the ad conveys the idea that Roberts took a legal position excusing bombing of abortion clinics, which is false."

The Republican National Committee is preparing to send a letter to television stations asking them to pull the spot, according to sources.

The RNC’s letter claims: "NARAL's ad is a deliberate misrepresentation of the facts that has no purpose but to mislead the American people."


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