Wednesday, August 24, 2005

More on His Arrogance, Mad Moeller

This crap speaks for itself.


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Another Dumb E-mail From State Rep. and Bully-Wannabe Jim Moeller

Remember WA State Rep. Jim Moeller and his "dumb e-mail" a few weeks ago? Well, the good Rep. is back with more fuel for the fire. The following was sent to the office secretary of, the Spokane-based abstinence education group, after Moeller received the August newsletter, emphasis added in red:


Please remove me from your email distribution list. You[sic] message clearly indicates that your organization believes teaching teenagers about contraception is bad. That's an extremely dangerous message in today's world and I believe will have tragic results for many young lives some day. I donot fault nor necessarily disagree with your premise that abstinence until marriage is the best policy for teenagers, but to advocate that teenagersnot be given all the information (that includes all forms of contraception)for fear they could become sexually active and avoid STD's, pregnancy andheartache is downright reckless.

I will also be contacting by congressional representatives about your federal funding. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

So Rep. Moeller has gone from just being arrogant, to bullying non-profits whom he doesn't agree with. LeAnna Benn, the director of Teen-Aid, had earlier received this e-mail from Rep. Moeller, when she e-mailed about any connection he might have had with NARAL's "Screw Abstinence" party, along with his support of "comprehensive sex education":

Hi LeAnna:

I'm a co-sponsor of the legislation you speak of. NARAL didn't write it. I don't care what they think or say and neither should you. I still
supportcomprehensive sex education for our students that INCLUDES abstinence. I'm tired or your insistent diatribe that abstinence is not part of the legislation. CAN YOU NOT READ?? If you cannot add anything to the debate, please remove me from your distribution list. Thank you.

Bottom line: it's one thing for an elected official to disagree with the public, and to stand up for what you think is right and best for your constituents. But it's quite another thing for an elected offical to routinely and openly be hostile to the public, and even try bully people who are trying to provide a valuable and much needed service - just because of difference in political idealogy. You can bet that if this were a GOP rep responding to a member of NARAL in this manner, the Northwest media would be all over this.

Is there NO moderate Republican or Democrat in southwest Washington that can run against Rep Moeller the next time his seat is up for grabs?

// posted by TheOrb @ 11:38 PM

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