Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Lawyers group accused of raising dues for politics - Gee... ya think?

They deny it, of course. As for me, I'm sure it's mere coincidence they just happened to DOUBLE their membership fees BEFORE this election with THEIR initiaitive on it.

Nope. Nothing political about THAT.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005 - Page updated at 12:00 AM

Lawyers group accused of raising dues for politics
By Ralph Thomas
Seattle Times Olympia bureau

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The state Public Disclosure Commission is investigating an allegation that the Washington State Trial Lawyers Association is illegally using a dues increase for political purposes.

The investigation stems from a complaint filed earlier this month by the Washington State Medical Association.

The medical association and the trial-lawyers group are in a high-stakes battle over competing medical-malpractice ballot measures — Initiative 330, which aims to clamp down on malpractice lawsuits, and Initiative 336, which goes after negligent doctors.

The trial-lawyers association this year imposed a substantial dues increase on its 3,400 members, with top-range dues nearly doubling to $600 a year.

The medical association contends the extra money is being used to help fund the campaigns against I-330 and for I-336. The trial-lawyers group denies the charge.


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