Thursday, August 11, 2005

Justice Breyer: Clueless idiot of the Leftist Scum Brigade

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer embarrassed himself and the United States of America when he asked the rhetorical question: "What's wrong with citing rulings by judges in other countries?"

Gee.... is there a word limit on this blog?

First and foremost, rulings based on law that has no effect in THIS country are non-rulings.

No other country has a legal system exactly like ours. Each and every system has it's own quirks... its own nuances. No other country uses our set of laws. So I would ask the good Justice... how could he, for example, site a ruling in Saudi Arabia on, say, a divorce matter... or a murder case where, under certain circumstances, murderers may buy themselves out of jail by paying off the victim's family?

These are outlandish examples to illustrate a point: the use of foreign court rulings as any precedent in OUR legal system is a dangerous practice that would tend to show the desperation of the ultra-Leftist neo-comm scum on the Court today.

In short, Mr. Justice, if you can't find AMERICAN precedent or history to back your position then you are most probably and most certainly wrong.

Thank you for asking the question. Next?

News Archive
Justice Breyer takes a stand

August 10, 2005

BY ABDON M. PALLASCH Legal Affairs Reporter

What's wrong with citing rulings by judges in other countries, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer asked attendees at the American Bar Association Convention in Chicago on Tuesday.

Conservatives led by justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas have criticized Breyer for backing up opinions with references to rulings from abroad, such as a 2002 Death Row case in which Breyer cited decisions by British and Canadian courts and the European Court of Human Rights.

The Supreme Court ". . . should not impose foreign moods, fads or fashions on Americans," Justice Thomas wrote in response.

But Breyer said Tuesday, "We're not bound by any foreign laws . . . but this is a

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