Friday, August 26, 2005

Democrats sniveling about losing their fraud vote: 2 groups object to ad about bringing ID to vote

Well, the groups in question are, of course, the type of Leftist neo-comm scum controlling the democrat party in Washington State, the ACLU and the Washington State Labor Council.

To these left wing nutburgers, ANY requirement that means you have to prove your eligibility to vote cuts in to the fraud vote... the vote that was likely responsible for the Queen of Corruption's "victory."

Friday, August 26, 2005 - Page updated at 12:00 AM

2 groups object to ad about bringing ID to vote

By Susan Gilmore

Seattle Times staff reporter

The American Civil Liberties Union and the Washington State Labor Council have condemned a television ad being aired by the secretary of state telling voters they must bring photo identification to the polls next month.

The new law that requires voters to produce ID before they can vote doesn't specifically require that it be a photo ID.

"The ad implies by its images and words that voters will not be allowed to vote unless they have photo ID," said Kathleen Taylor, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington. "Especially in a government-sponsored ad, accuracy is essential."

The labor council said the statute passed by the Legislature this year clearly states that photo identification is not required, but is one of several acceptable forms of ID.


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