Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Democrat's answer to everything: to sue. So go ahead and sue... and be damned.

Oregon Governor Ted "taxandgougeme" Kulongoski has threatened to sue if Portland Air Force Base is closed.

So, go ahead and sue. Except for wasting millions of Oregon taxpayer dollars, depending on how long he runs out the string, he'll accomplish nothing except to make himself out to be an idiot.
Instead of condemning the Administration decision to close down PAFB, the Governor would be better served if he were to butt heads with Portland Mayor Tom Potter, the nexus for this development as a direct result of his bizarre decision, one in a series of bizarre decisions from the City of Portland over the years, to remove the City of Portland from the regional terror task force.

That action, done in a snit over security clearances, was wholly unmerited and unquestionably a direct threat to the security of this region.

So.... where's the Governor's threat to sue Potter and the City of Portland? Or is it the size of the security threat that gets the Gov's attention?

I live here. I am far more concerned about terrorism and the likelihood of a local terrorist attack, dramatically increased by Potter's irresponsible action in ditching the task force, than I am by any threat that could be intercepted by an F-15 flying at 10,000 feet and 800 MPH.

So go ahead and sue, Governor. But you would be better off to tilt at windmills that you can actually impact.

Governor threatens to sue over air base
8/2/2005, 4:04 p.m. PT
The Associated Press

SALEM, Ore. (AP) — Gov. Ted Kulongoski threatened on Tuesday to sue the Department of Defense if the government transfers fighter planes and personnel from the Portland Air National Guard base.

In a letter to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Kulongoski cited federal statutes he said required his consent for such a move. "I do not consent to deactivation, relocation or withdrawal of the 142nd Fighter Wing," he wrote.

"Given Oregon's geographic location and unquestionable need for air superiority in the Pacific Northwest, this recommendation places the entire region at risk if it is accepted," Kulongoski wrote.

"It is my present intention to file a lawsuit in Oregon's federal district court seeking injunctive and declaratory relief to stop the proposed actions."

Under the Pentagon plan, 15 F-15 fighter jets operated by the fighter wing would be transferred from Portland to New Jersey and Louisiana, and eight KC-135 tankers flown by the 939th Air Refueling Wing would go to Oklahoma and Kansas.



  1. Anonymous9:49 PM

    There are so many angles to go at this decision by Rumsfeld. The couple that come to mind immediately are: Teddy, do you really think you know more and can make better decisions than the United States Military? Tommy, are you *sure* you want to pull Portland out of the JTTF? If Portland isn't a target worthy enough of the JTTF, why would Portland need extra planes?

    I have a problem with both pulling out of the JTTF and relocating the planes, but I don't see why Teddy and Tommy have a problem with it. They democrats have made it painstakingly clear that they do NOT want to have anything to do with the U.S. Military. Whether they are protecting our interests in the middle east or recruiting in high schools, the democrats do NOT want the military involved.

  2. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I'm not sure where to start with this.
    The Democrats' response is always to sue? Let me just point out two high-profile Republicans' suits for fun: George Bush in FL, and Dino Rossi in WA. Duh, it's EVERYONE'S response to sue when they don't get their way.

    Second, it's a snit to leave the JTTF over security clearances, but not a snit to close an air base in response? Careful, your perspective is showing. The true nature of the "air base snit" can be seen in the pattern of closings. Quick quiz: which states catch the brunt of the closings, "Democrat" or "Republican"? You have one chance at the right answer.

  3. I'm not sure where to start with this.

    Try the begining?

    The Democrats' response is always to sue? Let me just point out two high-profile Republicans' suits for fun: George Bush in FL, and Dino Rossi in WA.

    HHHmmmm… Lessee…

    In Florida that was Gore V. Harris, a state court case where Vice President Gore contests the certification of the election results in Florida. Initially, Judge Sauls rejected Gore's plea for a recount. The Gore legal team then appealed to the Florida Supreme Court which overturned the lower court ruling and ordered a recount of the undervote in Florida. Bush has appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

    Bush merely (and quite rightfully) challenged the results of the democrat Florida Supreme Court’s bogus decision ignoring the vote and giving Gore the decision.

    Have you forgotten already?

    The fact is this: Typically, democrats file suit, usually against Republicans or Republican’s interests. Or have you forgotten that John Edwards made his millions with bogus suits concerning cerebral palsy? Or the thousands of lawsuits costing hundreds of millions filed by environmental groups… leftists to the core… and hardly Republicans.

    Duh, it's EVERYONE'S response to sue when they don't get their way.

    “Everyone’s?” Where does it say that?

    Second, it's a snit to leave the JTTF over security clearances, but not a snit to close an air base in response? Careful, your perspective is showing.

    Yup. I agree… and have no problem with it. The People of Portland should be holding their mayor accountable for his irresponsible and terrorist-aiding actions. If they want to know responsibility for all of this, they can start with ever-shrinking concentric circles.

    The true nature of the "air base snit" can be seen in the pattern of closings. Quick quiz: which states catch the brunt of the closings, "Democrat" or "Republican"? You have one chance at the right answer.

    It all depends. Washington State is about as BLUE a state as is possible. How many of our bases were closed?


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