Monday, August 15, 2005

Dean adds to his status as democrat scumbag and neo-comm terrorist supporter.

Dr. Dean/Mr. Hyde, best known as the racist nutjob running the neo-comm Left DNC, helped to aid the enemies of the United States today by shoving his foot into his mouth up to his knee idiotically proclaimed that women would be better off in Iraq under Saddam then under the new government.

Right, dillwad. Better with Saddam's rape rooms. Better with his son's kidnapping, raping and murdering young girls and women... because they wanted too... and because they could.

How any sentient being can remotely share this bizarre view is beyond me. That irresponsible and unsupportable statements like these from this idiot aid and strengthen our enemies is beyond doubt. That American blood will flow as a direct result of this guy's oral diarrhea is also a fact.

Pronouncements such as these go far beyond the norm of political discussion and discourse. Statements such as these, coming from allegedly "responsible" leaders go far beyond the political give and take of loyal opposition. These types of statements play directly into the hands of those who would slaughter us by the millions if they possessed the capability.

For that, these is no excuse... no reason... no vision save that of the savage hatred of the ultra-leftist wing nuts Dean caters to.

And I thank God every day these idiots named Dr. Dean/ Mr. Hyde has their leader. Good job, scum bag.

Source: Times

Inside Politics

By Greg PierceAugust 15, 2005
Dean's latest

Howard Dean, the Democratic National Committee chairman who was the hero of his party's anti-war wing before his gaffe-prone 2004 presidential candidacy crashed and burned in Iowa, still doesn't think the Iraqis are better off with dictator Saddam Hussein out of power and in prison.

Appearing on CBS' "Face the Nation" yesterday, the fiery former Vermont governor said,
"It looks like today, and this could change, as of today it looks like women will be worse off in Iraq than they were when Saddam Hussein was president of Iraq."
Mr. Dean was the guy who said right after Saddam was found hiding in a "spider hole" that his capture by U.S. troops "has not made America safer," a statement ridiculed and condemned by most of his Democratic rivals at the time.

In a brief statement yesterday, the Republican National Committee said, "Dean's wild assertion that Iraqi women would be better off living under Saddam Hussein than democracy is not only counterproductive to meaningful debate, it demeans the hard work of American servicemen and women serving in Iraq."

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