Wednesday, July 20, 2005

When Republicans are stupid: Why Mike McGavick has just lost the election to the US Senate.

The fine folks at have shown where The Great Republican Hope, recently resigned SAFECO CEO Mike McGavick, touted as the front-runner Against MC Cantvotewell, announced his exploratory committee yesterday and lost the election in the process.

The first strike against McGavick is that his campaign, as well as any other statewide campaign in Washington State, is hamstrung by an essentially worthless state party, run by an incompetent lap dog party chair combined with a completely incompetent and self-aggrandizing executive board.

These people couldn't win an election to 6th grade class president, let alone a statewide.

The second strike is that Washington is a deep, dark blue state. That an idiot like Cantwell could have ever won election to the Senate, after electing and re-electing a woman (Murray) described as the fourth dumbest member of Congress, shows how far to the left this state has drifted.

While we've not yet achieved the socialist republic of Oregon status, the ultra-leftists infesting our state's government are doing their best to put us there.

But the third strike was this telling bit of stupidity that leapt out of McGavick's mouth yesterday:

I personally have been voting No on every Referendum that comes along, because I don't think that's how we ought to be governed.

This is obviously an individual who is either unaware of or disagrees with the tenets of the Washington State Constitution, which states thus:


WHERE VESTED. The legislative authority of the state of Washington shall be vested in the legislature, consisting of a senate and house of representatives, which shall be called the legislature of the state of Washington, but the people reserve to themselves the power to propose bills, laws, and to enact or reject the same at the polls, independent of the legislature, and also reserve power,
at their own option, to approve or reject at the polls any act, item, section, or part of any bill, act, or law passed by the legislature.

(a) Initiative: The first power reserved by the people is the initiative

(b) Referendum. The second power reserved by the people is the referendum, and it may be ordered on any act, bill, law, or any part thereof passed by the legislature, except such laws as may be necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety, support of the state government and its existing public institutions.

Either way, this guy is wrong; either way he disrespects the rights of the people of this state and either way, he’s toast.

Rarely has someone so screwed up… even before he starts.


  1. Anonymous5:36 AM

    The other thing I wonder about is why the Republicans have to turn to an eight-figure fat-cat corporate CEO as a candidate? Democrats are great at exploiting class envy (even though they have disproportionately more fat-cats among their ranks). They're going to tear McGavick apart with this one. Cantwell is probably going to cruise to a 10-12 point win. So much for that "opportunity".

  2. I'm not sure about that one. After all, didn't Cantvotewell meet that same description? She was a Real Audio weenie and brought HER own cash to the table (estimates very, but she brought about $10 million to the table after promising, and now having broken the promise, to not take money from "special interests."

    Because of her history, I see it more as a wash.


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