Sunday, July 31, 2005

Jim Moeller, typical ultra-leftist neo-comm, sticks his foot in his mouth... again.

Best known for lying about and subsiquentluy losing his local version of the Human Rights Commission, Jim Moeller proves that stupid is as stupid does.

Tip o' da hat to

Dumb E-mails from Elected Officials

Here's the latest installment in our occasional series of Dumb E-mails from Elected Officials.

Rep. Jim Moeller (D-49) of Vancouver, sent this e-mail to Bob Williams of the Evergreen Freedom Foundation upon receipt of Williams' essay on election reform in the July 2005 issue of Imprimis

Sour grapes Mr. Williams! You are a Republican (or perhaps Libertarian). Your candidate lost. End of story. People aren't being prosecuted because there was no fraud. You and the Republican party went venue shopping hoping you could find a sympathic ear in Eastern Washington for your pleas and what you got was an ear full. Why or why did I not hear you howls of protest of fraud, enhanced ballots, and illegal voting after the presidential election of 2000? Because you[sic] candidate won! Jesus, you are so transparent as to be comical. Move on Mr. Williams or better yet, just move. Sincerely,

Representative Jim Moeller
49th Legislative District
P. O. Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504-0600

Point of fact: People are being prosecuted for vote fraud, albeit not as many as should be. But what kind of elected official is so eager to offend people that he would use the name "Jesus" in vain in an e-mail and then tell a citizen he disagrees with to "move"? Sheesh.

Send us your examples of Dumb E-mails from Elected Officials anytime.
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Stefan Sharkansky at 05:26 PM Comments (9) Email This

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