Wednesday, July 27, 2005

From the Right Corner: I am so completely sick of David Barnett.

I am sick of his efforts to pawn himself off as an “Indian,” when he admits… ADMITS to only having 1/16th Indian blood!

Does that mean that he’ll only get 1/16th the profits that a full blooded Cowlitz (assuming such a thing exists) will receive from this tribal boondoggle?

I am sick of his threats and amateur efforts of intimidation to those who oppose his tribal scam.

I am sick of Barnett, who appears as white as I am, talking about “white man this,” or "white man that," AS IF HE WASN’T A WHITE MAN HIMSELF!

I am sick of his constant, bogus references to tribal poverty, alcoholism and unemployment. HE IS A MULTI-MILLIONAIRE DEVELOPER… WHY HASN’T HE DONE MORE TO ADDRESS THEIR PLIGHT?

They have PROVEN they don’t give a damn about us… why should we give a damn about them?

I am sick… and getting sicker, of the “whoa is me Cowlitz Tribe.” Is it any wonder that NASCAR didn’t want anything to do with him?

Amid casino debate, an olive branch

Wednesday, July 27, 2005
By JEFFREY MIZE, Columbian staff writer

The spokesman for the Cowlitz Tribe extended an olive branch Tuesday to a group that recently formed to defeat the tribe's plans for a casino west of La Center.

David Barnett, a Seattle-area developer and tribal member, met with representatives of Citizens Against Reservation Shopping and promised that tribal officials will carefully consider the group's views.

"We want to be responsible," he told about a dozen people attending the hourlong discussion. "We want this to be responsible development. And we want you to work with us."

But Barnett also made it clear his tribe has no intention of abandoning plans for a 160,000-square-foot casino along the west side of Interstate 5 at Northwest 319th Street.


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