Wednesday, July 06, 2005

From the Right Corner: Are all Clark County democrats total hypocrites? Or just the clowns running their website?

Man... the local-yokel democrats have jumped all over the "carpet bagger" bandwagon when it comes to Tom Mielke.

But they were strangely silent while they forwarded failed democrat commissioner candidate Jeannie Harris's name for consideration to fill the seat now held by Steve Stuart. They had NO problem supporting Harris, who was attempting to do PRECISELY the same thing!

And these scum were like church mice when it came to Republican turncoat Paul Waadveg's bogus little effort to come down to Clark County and run against Sen. Don Benton as a democrat who had never even voted in Clark County!

In fact, that little twit is making noises like he STILL wants to run in a district that even now he doesn't live in... because he STILL lives in LONGVIEW.

These hypocrites saying anything about THAT?


Is it any wonder they win a SW Washington Legislative race (Outside the Soviet Socialist Republic of Vancouver) with the frequency of a fly-by from Haley's Comet?

Their double-standard is frighteningly deep. And if that's the best they can do... I hope Steve Stuart finds success in whatever his next line of work might be.

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