Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Even more when Republicans are stupid: Tebelius considers entering race

Ahhhh.... Old Diane. Egomaniac extraordinaire, she out-raised everyone in the 8th CD for the primary... and came in a resounding 3rd, behind Reichert and Esser.

Her whole shtick has been about the greater glory of Diane. A power-hungry, step on the bodies to achieve my goals type, Diane has given her all as the Washington GOP National Committee woman... her all for Diane, that is.

I wonder if she'll ever know why she'll never get that Federal judgeship? No matter... she was never about getting Republicans elected (So very few in the state GOP actually are, you know) and was always about what SHE could get out of it.

Think about the MONUMENTAL ego required to actually believe that if you come in 3rd in a congressional primary in your home district... that you could ACTUALLY BELIEVE you could win in a statewide when possessed of the personality of a snake and an incompetent state party to back you!

Tip o' da hat to and the King County Journal.

Tebelius considers entering race
Journal Staff

Diane Tebelius, who has been mentioned as a possible Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate, said Tuesday she will decide ``sooner rather than later'' about running in 2006.

Tebelius, 55, of Bellevue, is a former federal prosecutor and special counsel to the U.S. Senate Budget Committee. She lost in the primary election last year in her bid for the 8th Congressional District seat eventually won by Republican Dave Reichert.

A campaign for the U.S. Senate in 2006 probably would mean vying for the Republican nomination with Mike McGavick, who announced Tuesday he is forming an exploratory committee for a race against Democratic incumbent Maria Cantwell.

``I'm seriously considering entering the race. We have been going around the state and talking to people who are Republicans and business leaders,'' Tebelius said. ``We're getting very favorable response.''

Though many GOP leaders already have endorsed McGavick to challenge Cantwell, Tebelius pointed out that most of those who will decide the Republican nominee are not the party's top officials.

``They are county chairs and people on the state committee,'' she said. ``I'm getting support from them. No one can say it's a done deal.''

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