Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Clark County Democrats: Are they lying on purpose?

Here's the latest bit of idiocy from the Clark County Democrats lies, distortion and misinformation blog:

Serving Southwest Washington Democrats with news, events, and information from the Clark County Democratic Central Committee

3 out of 4 Americans agree: Rove must go

A new
ABC News poll out today points out the following:

July 18, 2005 — Just a quarter of Americans think the White House is fully cooperating in the federal investigation of the leak of a CIA operative's identity, a number that's declined sharply since the investigation began. And three-quarters say that
if presidential adviser Karl Rove was responsible for leaking classified information, it should cost him his job.

Skepticism about the administration's cooperation has jumped. As the initial investigation began in September 2003, nearly half the public, 47 percent, believed the White House was fully cooperating. That fell to 39 percent a few weeks later, and it's lower still, 25 percent, in this new ABC News poll.

admin – Mon,
07/18/2005 – 1:28pm
admin's blog – read more

The only problem with this garbage is this: It's not true.

What the POLL SAYS, is that Rove should go IF... IF... he "leaked classified information."

Should Karl Rove Be Fired If He Leaked Classified Information?

........................Yes ..........No

All.................... 75% .......15%

Republicans... 71 ...........17

Independents. 74 ...........17

Democrats ......83 ...........12

Now... and this may stun you.... I AGREE that Rove should be fired IF.... IF.... he leaked CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.

The problem for the Leftist scum howling for Rove's head is, first, they're ideologically driven by hatred for Rove and second, Rove did not LEAK CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.

All that aside, there is no excuse for the scumbag that authored this trash on the local neo-comm website to have kept the FACT that the support for Rove's removal is ONLY there IF HE LEAKED CLASSIFIED INFORMATION out of the article title.

That oversight was deliberate, of course and the end result? Even more proof that the local demo organization is run by a bunch of Leftist neo-comm scum.

It's in the details, gang... the details.

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