Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Baghdad Jimmy and other Leftist scum make the 100 Worst Americans List

Baghdad Jimmy McDermott, a Saddam synchopant, made the top 100 List of the worst Americans in Bernard Goldberg's latest work by that title.

Kudo's to Goldberg for providing a reference work of the most anti-American scum in the US today.

And to paraphrase McDerrmott, Washington State's largest embarrassingly to date, "It takes a Seattle to create a McDerrmott. McDermott's paraphrased response? "He's right, he just doesn't know why."

Tuesday, July 5, 2005 - Page updated at 12:00 AM

McDermott makes list of author's 100 worst Americans

By Alicia Mundy

Seattle Times Washington bureau

Paris Hilton's parents; the Rev. Al Sharpton; the guy who gave us "Fear Factor;" and Rep. Jim McDermott.

At first glance, they don't have a lot in common. But they are linked for eternity in a new book, "100 People Who Are Screwing Up America (and Al Franken Is # 37)."

McDermott, as it happens, is No. 38. The Democratic congressman from Seattle apparently doesn't pose as big a threat to democracy as comedian-and-leftist radio talkster Franken. But McDermott presents more of a problem than, say, feminist Gloria Steinem, at No. 42, or Enron's disgraced chief executive, Kenneth Lay, who lumbered in at No. 45.

Almost as bad for the United States as McDermott is the city of Seattle, which is described as "ground zero for overpriced coffee," home of more "progressive loonies than anyplace else on the Left Coast."


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