Monday, June 13, 2005

Yet another example of demo-scum in state government

As I previously have mentioned, The People of Washington State are saddled with mostly democrat scum in government.

From a legislature that dem Senator Craig Pridemore (BEFORE casting his “yes” vote) described as having “balanced the budget on the backs of the poor and powerless,” through a Lt. Governor who I was previously a rabid supporter of… until he made up a bogus job for a state representative friend of his and then paid him $70,000 or so a year for something he was wholly unqualified to do while jacking up his office budget 38% in ONE biennium (The rest of the schlep state employees have to make due with 3.2% this year, and 1.6% next year) to a governor who lacked the balls to nail him for it while jacking up her OWN office budget 37% for the biennium (Did I mention that state employees will have to make due with 3.2% this year and 1.6% next year?) all of these are what I refer to as “democrat scum.”

Well, here are the sorry details of how “Governor” Gregoire is screwing the taxpayers of this state. Dem-scum Leftist neo-comms are, no doubt, thrilled.

Monday, June 13, 2005 - Page updated at 12:00 AM

Gregoire's Cabinet: same look, higher pay

By Ralph Thomas

Seattle Times Olympia bureau

OLYMPIA — In many ways, Gov. Christine Gregoire's 23-member Cabinet looks a lot like her predecessor's — same number of minorities, a similar average age, even some of the same appointees.

But there is at least one notable difference: Gregoire's Cabinet is costing taxpayers a lot more than former Gov. Gary Locke's.

All but three of Gregoire's Cabinet appointees are making significantly more than the jobs paid under Locke — including five appointees who are making at least $20,000 more, and an additional six who are making at least $10,000 more.

In all, Gregoire's Cabinet will earn about $256,000 a year more than the previous Cabinet when Locke stepped down.


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