Monday, June 20, 2005

More proof: The Left is all about scoring the illegal alien vote.

As I’ve mentioned previously, the democrats have made the determination that they get the fraud vote.

So now, to reinforce that conclusion, “Oregon's largest Hispanic group, labor activists and state election officials are opposing a Republican-backed plan to require people registering to vote for the first time to show proof of citizenship, a proposal that one key backer said was made necessary by the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.”

Now then… why would Leftist union-types and those supporting illegal aliens OPPOSE a bill to tighten restrictions on illegal voters… Hhhhmmmmm?

Hispanic group objects to voter bill

Measure would require proof of citizenship to vote

The Associated Press

June 19, 2005

Oregon's largest Hispanic group, labor activists and state election officials are opposing a Republican-backed plan to require people registering to vote for the first time to show proof of citizenship, a proposal that one key backer said was made necessary by the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

The measure recently was approved by the Oregon House after sponsors said that the requirement would help prevent illegal immigrants from fraudulently registering and voting.

"In part, it's a response to the post-Sept. 11 world we live in," said state Rep. Linda Flores, a Republican from Clackamas. "Citizens want us to do everything we can to preserve their rights and to secure our borders."

The bill is directed at people who are in the country illegally and also to protect the integrity of Oregon's election process, she said.


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