Friday, June 10, 2005

Loan sharks or Democrats?

Hell... we already know the ansdwer to that question... don't we?

(Tip o' da hat to Orbusmax)

Published: June 10th, 2005 12:01 AM
Talk about your sore winners.

First the Democrats win their court case to keep Christine Gregoire as governor. Now they want the state to repay the money the party paid for a recount – which it is entitled to – but with exorbitant interest.

The state Democratic Party wants its $730,000 back plus 12 percent interest, claiming the state should have repaid the money back in December when the third gubernatorial recount was certified.

Secretary of State Sam Reed says the money couldn’t be refunded until the election challenge was resolved. That happened Monday when Republican Dino Rossi declined to appeal a Chelan County judge’s decision upholding Gregoire’s election. The money has only been earning 2 percent interest in escrow – which is all it could earn according to state law.

Maybe the Democrats should take their beef to court. We suggest a Chelan County venue. Better yet, they should take their money – at 2 percent interest – and go home. They won, for crying out loud.

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