Thursday, June 16, 2005

From the Right Corner: More on Sen. Durbin and other democrat scum.

I appreciate partisan politics as much as the next guy. But Sen. Durbin’s remarks… along with the thoughtless remarks of legions of the Leftist fringe and the scum such as the types… all go beyond mere partisan politics.

Those who suffer when these clowns shoot off their mouths are the soldiers in the field.

On one hand, treasonous scum like Durbin likens Gitmo to concentration camps and the guards to Nazi’s. Idiots like Durbin, who deserve to lose their seats in elective office, go beyond the pail by providing direct aid and comfort to the enemies of our Nation.

The terrorist scum have a new ally in Durbin and the types, who do not care what happens to our soldiers in the field. When allegedly responsible elected officials such as Durbin, Kennedy and Pelosi let their battleship mouths override their rowboat asses, they provide our enemies with absolutely invaluable support.

And they do it for one reason and one reason only: to weaken President Bush.

These irresponsible traitors are directly costing American blood to be shed and are doing FAR more to rally support for the insurgency then ANYTHING done in or at Gitmo under any circumstance.

So, when the Zarqawi types rail against America for what we’ve allegedly done at Gitmo (does anyone really give a rat’s patootie what happens to the quran in Gitmo? Saudi customs types shred THOUSANDS of bibles every month… we don’t riot or kill people over that, do we?) they use the exact words and phrases first promulgated by the Durbins of American politics… and when American blood flows in Iraq or Afghanistan… when American lives are destroyed… when America’s sons and daughters come home in a box… part of the responsibility for that rests with the Durbins… the Kennedys… the Reids… the Deans… the Pelosis… any one of whom would cheerfully sell their daughters in sexual slavery if they were to gain a political advantage, real or perceived, out of the deal... are directly responsible.

I have no problem with opposing the President on any or every policy decision he makes. But can you even begin to imagine what would have happened to such high-ranking public officials for shooting off their mouths like this during World War 2? Such irresponsible rhetoric can accomplish nothing positive… and it goes far beyond the moment while providing direct aid and comfort to our enemies who would see us destroyed.

For all Durbin’s despicable rant accomplished… he should have written Zarqawi a check… or cashed the check Zarqawi appears to have written to him… because Durbin couldn’t have done his country any more damage if they paid him.

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