Monday, June 13, 2005

From the Right Corner: Answering more local democrat idiocy.

The local dems are a clueless lot. The GOP strengthens it’s local political chokehold on elective office around here, and the best the local neo-comms can do is THIS type of nonsense:

Looks like the first shot across the bow has been fired by the local Republicans in the county commissioner race now that the Clark County GOP has settled on carpetbagger Tom Mielke as their standard bearer.

What they REALLY mean: Looks like all the local democrat fringe has to whine about is where Tom is from. But then, they’ve never been real big on issues, have they?

We noticed that the Clark County Republican website had more to say about our Commissioner Steve Stuart than their own nominee, so we decided to do a little fact-checking on what they posted.

What they REALLY mean: We didn’t like the fact that Mielke bitch-slapped Stuart so we’re starting the spin as early as possible by lying and distorting everything we can about Stuart’s lack of experience and the outright ownership of this alleged “environmentalist” by developer special interests.

"Stuart moved to Clark County only a few years ago to work for 1000 Friends of Clark County"

Spin 1: Well yes, Steve moved BACK to Clark County a few years ago after spending TWENTY YEARS growing up here and graduating from Prairie High School.

What they REALLY mean: In fact, Stuart DID move back here to run a major leftist-fringe enviro group… we also just want to point out that he had lived here before that as well.

"Oddly enough Stuart so far has received most of his campaign contributions from developers."

Lie 1: ACTUALLY the biggest numbers of Steve's campaign contributions have come from individuals (over 150 individuals) in amounts from $5 to $500. Whereas half of Mielke's 16 contributors are developers or have ties to development.

What they REALLY mean: Mielke is right when he points out that ACTUALLY, the top five contributors to Stuart’s campaign are buying him with $10,000 contributions; that 4 of the top 5 contributors are developers, and that the top 11 contributors are responsible for 7/8ths of his campaign contribution total and that the “150” other contributors don’t mean a thing to Stuart compared to that.

"We will certainly be in for an entertaining campaign while Stuart explains himself--with flip flops sure to come."

Spin 2: Isn't MOVING DISTRICTS to run for a different seat becauseyou lost in your home district the BIGGEST OPPORTUNISTIC FLIP-FLOP EVER?

Ahhhhh, no. But thanks for asking.

You see, in this bit of rank hypocrisy, the party of the short memory blissfully forgets that THEY placed Jeannie Harris, failed county commissioner candidate, as number two on the list of candidates they sent to the commissioners to fill Pridemore’s vacant seat.

Odd, sin’t it? Democrat hypocrites would have had NO problem with Jeannie Harris if SHE was the one getting the seat… but now, all of a sudden, it’s a problem because Tom Mielke wants to do the same thing the democrats themselves did as recently as last December?

Typical, local democrat hypocrisy.

These people are scum. There is no lie… no distortion… no misstatement of the facts they won’t take. But that’s OK… because Tom is going to kick Stuart’s ass in the next election. If this is the best the dems can do… then they are a sorry lot, indeed.

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