Thursday, June 23, 2005

The democrat hypocrisy series: They whine about Rove, but keep their pie holes shut about Dr. Dean/Mr. Hyde and Durbin.

Dean, the democrats racist/psycho/nutjob Party Chair, makes irresponsible after psychotic after delusional statements on a regular basis, and the democrat scum at the national level remain silent

Sen. Durbin likened American military members to the Nazi’s of World War II… and the democrats remained silent. That is, after all, because democrats can practice racism, bigotry and provide aid and comfort to our enemies with impunity.

So, Karl Rove gives a speech where he nails it, identifying precisely the main democrat weakness. "Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 in the attacks and prepared for war; liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers,"

That sums it up, of course. Even today, the Leftist scum infesting the democrat party and their leadership make excuses for terrorists, doing all they can to undermine our military and our President.

So, what happens? Rove tells the truth… and the Leftist neo-comms lose their minds.

Of PARTICULAR note is the RANK HYPOCRISY of Dr. Dean/Mr. Hyde, who told us: Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean calls Rove's remarks "divisive and damaging."

Compared to the tripe Dean serves up on a daily basis, Rove’s Truth, no matter how unpleasant it may be for democrats to ponder, pails in comparison.

But the most monumental hypocrisy I have EVER seen in a Senator is this choice tidbit: Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid says Rove should apologize, or resign.

So… Reid’s number two likens our troops to Nazis and scumbag Reid keeps his mouth shut. Rove tells it like it is and Reid has the balls to demand he resign?

Can there be a bigger example of the hypocrisy permeating the scumbag Leftist neo-comm fringe?

White House defends Rove 9/11 remarks after Dems demand apology

(White House-AP) June 23, 2005 - The White House is rejecting Democratic demands that Karl Rove apologize for saying liberals meekly offered "therapy" for the terrorists as a response to 9/11.

Press Secretary Scott McClellan says President Bush's top political adviser was just "telling it like it is." Rove delivered his blast a few miles from Ground Zero in New York, at a Conservative Party dinner, he said liberals sought "understanding" for the attack and Democrats called for "moderation and restraint" while President Bush saw it for what it was: a declaration of war.

McClellan says Rove wasn't getting personal, just describing different philosophies.

Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean calls Rove's remarks "divisive and damaging." Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid says Rove should apologize, or resign.


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