Wednesday, June 01, 2005

The Columbian nails it, but to no avail: In Our View - DSHS: A Train Wreck

DSHS IS a “train wreck.” But it is by far not the ONLY state agency where that label applies.

Starting with the Governor’s own office (with it’s 38% budget increase in one biennium) to the Lt. Governor’s office (With it’s job patronage and 37% budget increase) and the taxpayer abuse of both; through the $3 Billion dollars in illegally spent, missing or otherwise unaccounted for money that WE pay for; through the governor’s FAILURE to hold CA accountable for stealing $12 million of our taxpayer dollars through the adoption of a state budget, that, according to State Senator Craig Pridemore (D-49) was “balanced on the backs of the poor and the powerless…” fiscally, it’s becoming pretty clear that the state government of Washington is doing everything it can to follow in the footsteps of that well-known train wreck to the south, aka “Oregon.”

Until democrats in government master the skill of holding both people and their agencies accountable for doing their jobs, this particular train wreck will continue… AND expand.

Until democrats can figure out how to fire the incompetents they all-too-frequently hire and replace them with capable people, this train wreck will continue… AND expand.

Until democrats get past their bizarre concept that in government, “more is automatically better,” this train wreck will continue… AND expand.

This isn’t rocket science, folks. Gregoire shamed us all by vetoing the budget cuts to CA. She sent out the clarion call that in this state’s government, accountability isn’t even a rumor.

In Our View - DSHS: A Train Wreck

Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Columbian editorial writers

Crucial services for Washington state's most vulnerable citizens remain mired in chaos. The Department of Social and Health Services, long torn by turmoil, has in the past year lost even more credibility and effectiveness after a series of resignations by top officials and cost overruns.

Repairing the massive problems in DSHS remains one of Gov. Christine Gregoire's greatest challenges. She seems to have the background and expertise, having launched her government career as a DSHS caseworker. But whether she can restore authority, accountability and efficiency to this bureaucratic train wreck is uncertain.

How crucial is the task? Providing mental health and child-welfare services are among the state's most vital responsibilities, many would argue.

The latest contributing factor to the DSHS chaos was last week's resignation of Karl Brimner as the state's top mental health official. No details were given about the resignation, but ample evidence is scattered in the wake of his four-year supervision of 3,000 employees and a $600 million annual budget. Officials at Western State Hospital in Lakewood, home to about 800 severely mentally ill patients, were accused in February of releasing patients before they should have been discharged. For two years the hospital has been wrestling with a patient-dumping lawsuit.


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