Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Will of the people? Vancouver Port Commissioners don't care.

Earlier, I wrote about the upcoming scam the Port of Vancouver was planning on running here.

This sorry, behind-the-scenes, backroom-politics-at-its-finest episode of government arrogance is the poster child for legislation requiring the same type of votes necessary for Port tax increases that are required for school districts, fire districts and the like. Leaving this kind of authority in the hands of those who would abuse it in this manner is a disaster waiting to happen... as it will now happen in 2007.

The conduct of these people is nothing less than despicable. And those of you forced to live under this Taliban-style rule have my sympathy.

Now, the question is: are you going to do something about it?

Port OKs doubling of tax

Wednesday, May 25, 2005
By JULIA ANDERSON, Columbian staff writer

In a 3-0 vote, Port of Vancouver commissioners Tuesday approved a six-year port district property tax increase but delayed implementation of the tax until 2007.

The port district takes in 111 square miles in southwest Clark County with 300,000 residents.

The unanimous vote came after Commissioner Arch Miller first offered to support a tax increase in 2006, but said he would do so only if port staff could supply more details about how the money would be used and how it fit into the port's overall capital spending plan.

Miller wanted answers in 60 days or, he said, he was prepared to reject the tax proposal, recommended by port staff.

After hearing Miller's 13 questions, Larry Paulson, port executive director, said the 60-day contingency would create too much uncertainty and that it might be better to wait a year.


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