Thursday, May 19, 2005

Spinning it like a top: The Grant House rent free scam and how the Columbian abets it.

Earlier, I reported here that the Oregonian had broke the story on the scam run by Vancouver Port Commissioner Arch Miller's daughters, who, according to the Oregonian, underestimated their revenue at the Grant House Restaurant by a paltry $2 million and, instead of being evicted, got a 12 month rent free deal instead.

You will, quite simply, not believe how the Columbian spun this sorry episode... calling this pay off a "rent abatement."


Gee. When the downtown hotel/event center finances collapses and the hosing of Clark County taxpayers begins in earnest, you think WE'LL be able to get a "payback abatement?"

Barracks Cooking - Redevelopment plan taking shape at reserve

Wednesday, April 27, 2005
By JULIA ANDERSON, Columbian staff writer

Several components of Arch Miller's multifaceted business plan to revitalize the west barracks at the Vancouver National Historic Reserve are up and running. By summer more pieces are expected to fall into place.

Miller and his daughters, Suzy Taylor and Lynn Rullman, doing business as the International Air & Hospitality Academy, negotiated a lease agreement with the city of Vancouver in early 2004 to renovate the former Grant House restaurant and several buildings at the west barracks. The remodeled buildings were the centerpiece of a plan to add new culinary and hospitality training programs to academy curriculum.

Despite cost overruns on the renovation work and a time frame that's taken much longer than first envisioned, Miller, Taylor and Rullman remain steadfastly upbeat about their business model. Others within city government and commercial real estate also say the idea is a good one.

To bolster the project until more of the plan is operational, the city has approved a 12-month rent abatement agreement on the restaurant, which will cut about $2,500 a month from academy expenses.


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